Class StreamUtils


public class StreamUtils extends Object
Stream Utils
25 Jul 2017
  • Constructor Details

    • StreamUtils

      public StreamUtils()
  • Method Details

    • tupleStream

      public static <T> Stream<T[]> tupleStream(boolean isParallel, Stream<? extends T>... streams)
      Returns a stream of tuples built from base streams. This is done by populating each tuple item with one item from the underlining streams. This is basically a wrapper of TupleSpliterator, which is passed to, boolean). The built stream uses TupleSpliterator.characteristics(), which, in turn, are established on the basis of the underlining spliterators (see the method's javadoc).
      isParallel - this is passed to, boolean), since the underlining iterator is immutable, creating a parallel stream as result shouldn't be a problem, unless you've some strange things in the base streams.
      streams - the base streams from which the result is built.
      See Also:
      • invalid reference
        unit tests for examples of usage.
    • tupleStream

      public static <T> Stream<T[]> tupleStream(Stream<? extends T>... streams)
      Defaults to 0 (which implies Spliterator.IMMUTABLE only) and false (i.e., non-parallel result stream).
    • sampleStream

      public static <T> Stream<T> sampleStream(Stream<T> stream, double samplingRatio)

      Returns a sampled stream, i.e., a stream where a quota of elements approximately equals to sampleRatio is returned.

      This is obtained by attaching a filter to the initial stream that returns true if randomNumber[0,1) < sampleRatio.

      sampleRatio must be between 0 and 1. 0 returns an empty stream, 1 returns the original stream.
    • sampleStream

      public static <T> Stream<T> sampleStream(Stream<T> stream, long sampleSize, long totalSize)
      A variant of sampleStream(Stream, double) that computes the sampling ratio as sampleSize/totalSize.
      sampleSize - must be invalid input: '<' totalSize and >= 0. When 0, you'll end up having an empty stream.
      totalSize - must be >= 0. When 0, you'll end up having an empty stream.